Janta Bi Create Sustainable Projects For Schools And Villages In The Gambia To Provide A Better Quality Of Life, And Promote Education.

Our Story

In 1989, while on holiday to the Gambia, Sue Holly was befriended by a local family, who she is still friends with, over 30 years later.

Through them, she was introduced to the Mbaien Wollof Lower Basic School. Set in the Niani District, this school was the only point of education for more than 100 children, between the ages of four and 11/12.

In addition to being impossibly remote, what struck Sue was how little the school had, in the way of equipment and basic facilities. Compared to the standard of even the poorest schools in the UK, Mbaien Lower Wollof Basic School was little more than a shack with a few blackboards.

━ Our Work

What We Do

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Keep kids healthy and ready to learn

Provide support in disasters and public health crises

Help provide access to clean water

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Meet Our Volunteers!

Susan Holly

– Trustee and Chair

Kebba Njie

– Trustee

Michael Paul Biddle

– Trustee

Stuart Robb

– Trustee

Demba Susso

– Head Teacher

Chebbo Ndow

– Mothers’ Club President (M’Baien)


– Volunteer

William Howard Biddle

– Trustee And Secretary

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