Vision & Values

Janta Bi aims to make positive, sustainable change…

Having a clear vision and solid values helps us to realise our projects.

By creating projects built on the foundations outlined below, we believe we can achieve our vision on a small scale. We are a small organisation with a big heart, and we aim to use this framework to help affect change in 7 schools and village societies that we work with in The Gambia.

Our projects are designed to be ‘template’ projects which can be replicated in other areas. So please do get in touch if you would like to work with us in any way.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support remote and isolated communities in The Gambia to develop sustainable, community-based projects that improve access to food, employment, education and better health. 

Our vision

Our vision is for a Gambia where everyone has the opportunity to achieve a better quality of life.

Our Values

Help – without intrusion
Hope – for a better future
Respect – for local cultures
Friendship – with local people and communities
Sustainability – ecological, financial and social

High Level Outcomes

We have a set of high level outcomes that we aim to achieve. These are the benefits we want to create for local communities as a result of our activity.

  • Better access to tools and equipment

    Increased access to basic first aid

    Improved physical mobility

    Greater access to personal health and care products

  • Increased opportunities for employment

    Improved business skills

    Greater reinvestment in the local economy

    Better access to basic resources

  • Increased ability to grow / produce own food

    Greater levels of independence and agency

    Reduced levels of food insecurity

    Improved levels of reuse, recycling and repurposing of resources

  • More time to spend with family

    Better ability to feed and clothe family

    Increased opportunities to engage, interact and network with others

    More likely to build and maintain social relationships

  • Better access to learning materials

    Improved school facilities / infrastructure

    Better teacher training

    Increased numbers of children attending school

━ How do we plan to do this?

We have a long list of projects and activities which can lead to the above outcomes. We also have a strong network both in the UK and The Gambia to help us achieve our aims.

Our Activities

We develop sustainable, community-based projects that improve access to food, employment, education and better health, such as: 

Provide clothing, spectacles, crutches and wheelchairs

Supply and repair school furniture

Build and repair school buildings, fences, walls

Install sanitary facilities, wells, hand pumps and solar power

Provide computers, books, pens and pencils for schools

Supply local sports teams with kit and equipment

Provide basic first aid material and equipment

Provide and install milling machines and appropriate training to operate and maintain

We also have aspirations to develop the following ideas: 

Support for cottage industry type projects that contribute to local economies

Teacher training and knowledge exchange with UK based teachers

Sustainable projects that utilise local natural resources for the benefit of the community, economy and environment

Enabling Factors

We are lucky to have the following enabling factors…

Long standing, positive and productive relationships with community leaders, teachers and education professionals in The Gambia

Local knowledge and connections developed on the ground with local communities

Extensive knowledge and experience of export and import to The Gambia

Knowledge and experience of the education sector and extensive relationships with local schools in the UK

Track record of developing and delivering impactful projects overseas

Hands on, practical support, including local environmental knowledge and experience of building and construction projects

Experienced board of trustees with legal, finance, entrepreneurial, business, education and marketing and communications skills Sensitivity to local cultures, customs and traditions and respect for the local environment developed through first hand experience