Solar Power & Computers


We installed solar power to two rooms in M’baien school. M’Baien school is 8km off the main road into the bush almost in Senegal.

It had no electricity and an ancient broken hand water pump, which was very difficult to use. In 2018 with a large donation we were able to organise solar power to one classroom, the Headmaster’s office and a solar water pump.

A group of volunteers loaded 10 computers with educational software and set them up in the newly painted classroom.

A DVD player provided much excitement as most of the children had never seen a TV before. The films provide a view to the outside world and also improve their English. We would love to send them a bigger TV – as you can see in the photographs it is a small screen for the amount of viewers – a larger TV would be much appreciated! If you think you can help, please contact us!

This installation has meant that learning can continue into the evenings and mobile phones can be charged. People travel from neighbouring villages too do so and a small charge is made which goes to the mother’s club. This helps to pay for school trips, and meals for the children.

Please contact us if you can help, or would like to donate to future solar installations!


Mothers’ Clubs


School Partnerships