Sinchu Wurri – Water, Fence and Milling Machine


Trustee Howard has just returned from a fact finding journey to Sinchu Wurri school in The Gambia, meeting the Headmaster Mr Jammeh and the local builder Mr Chorr.

The school serves three fast growing rural villages and caters for around 700 children on a shift basis. It was built by the villagers using corrugated iron sheets, wooden poles and palm leaves. There are no toilets and no water. Most of the children sit on the floor as there is not enough furniture to go round.

 The photographs show Howard inspecting the current ‘toilet’ this is just a patch of earth partitioned off – there is no hole. The second photo is of the school as a whole. The ‘toilet’ is by the tree on the left, the classrooms are central and the Headmaster’s office is to the right. The following photographs are of the kitchen, the school lunch of rice, the children queuing for their food, pupils in a class and Howard meeting with Mr Jammeh and the builder Mr Chorr. There is plenty we would like to do to help this school – our plans are as follows…

 Our Plans

  • Sink a well with a hand pump.

  • Add toilet blocks [VIP pit latrines].

  • Add two block built classrooms + Headmaster’s office.

  • Supply the Mothers’ Club with a milling machine to generate an income for the school which would help with meals for the children, school uniform and extras.

  • A small basic kitchen.

  • Fence off an area for a vegetable garden for the Mothers’ Club and the children to grow food for school meals.

 We are now reviewing the information Howard has gathered and are putting together a plan! We will update again soon!

 If you would like to donate to support this (or any other) project please contact us, or use our PayPal donation page.


Mothers’ Clubs