Sustainable fuel


2 years ago the Gambian government announced that they were going to ban the use of charcoal as a fuel for cooking (families still cook on open fires). This is a big shift to help protect the Gambian forests and environment.

Isatou Ceesay, The Gambia’s ‘Queen of Recycling’ has researched the use of briquettes made from peanut shells as a more sustainable option. Peanuts are The Gambia’s main export so the shells are in abundance, as are coconut shells. Isatou is now manufacturing these briquettes in Banjul and is hoping to expand the business which gives girls and women a way of earning a living, especially those who are unable to go on to secondary education.

We are working with Isatou to look at logistics and opportunities to set up sustainable micro industries based on her existing framework.

More to come…

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~ Janta Bi

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Thank you

~ Janta Bi x


*Update* New kitchen needed in Palang after 2020 floods…