Mothers’ Clubs


All the schools in The Gambia that we work with have a Mothers’ Club. The Mothers of the children in the school work together and play a critical role in supporting the school.

They grow maize and other crops, and in the garden they help the children grow mangoes, cashew nuts and moringa. All of this is used to feed the children and any that is left over is sold. The money raised then goes to helping with shoes, clothes and supplies for the children.

We work with the Mothers’ Clubs in the schools we have been working with, they run the Milling Machine in the village of Mbaien Wollof, and manage the money that is raised after all the running costs are met.

If you would like to donate to the Mothers’ Clubs to help them support the schools, please use the link below to donate through PayPal.


Sinchu Wurri – Water, Fence and Milling Machine


Solar Power & Computers