Volunteers Details

Demba Susso – Head Teacher

Demba is the head teacher at Jockul N’dowen school – one of the 7 schools we partner with. He gained his teaching certificate in 2006 from The Gambia College School of Education and has been working with the Education Department for almost 20 years.

Demba is passionate about education and strives to improve his school as well as a network of schools in his area. He helps us to coordinate projects with all the 7 schools which we support. Demba is embedded in the community and people go to him when there is a problem, so he is an essential link for Janta Bi. For example he came to us when the water pump broke at Manjumba school nearby leaving the school with no water. He organised the repairs swiftly to get it back up and running.

Demba lives with his wife Sainey, their children and their dog (pictured).