Volunteers Details

Chebbo Ndow – Mothers’ Club President (M’Baien)

Chebbo is the President of the Mothers’ Club at M’baien School and is also the chief cook. Chebbo is a real advocate for the school and promotes education in the local area. Primary education in The Gambia is free for girls, but many do not attend as they cannot afford uniforms or materials. This is where Chebbo and the other Mother’s Club members come in. They manage the school resources and work with us to make sure there are uniforms, exercise books and pencils available to as many children as possible.

Chebbo commented –

“We are happy for the uniforms, shoes, learning materials and computers donated to our school, these have changed the lives of our children both at home and at school. It means many more children are coming to the school and it has improved their performance. Having the broken water pump fixed has meant that we now have water available again for the garden, the children and the cooks.’

Chebbo is part of the Mothers’ Club team who manage the milling machine and ensures that it is maintained and that any profits are reinvested in the children and the school.