School Furniture

As far back as 1972, extensive research has been conducted into the link between furniture in schools and the effect on students’ ability to learn. In schools across the world, students benefit from comfortable seats and desks, encouraging focus, attention and allowing proper muscular development.

During our visits to some of the remotest schools in The Gambia we discovered that the majority of them didn’t have enough desks and chairs for the pupils to sit at. Of those, most were in a state of disrepair that wouldn’t be deemed safe in UK schools.

Kass Wolof Lower Basic School has six classrooms but, due to the lack of usable desks and chairs, were only able to use three of them in shifts.

However, there was a large pile of broken furniture. With the help of a local village carpenter 59 pieces of furniture, including desks and chairs, were restored for approximately £400. This means that the Kass Wolof teachers are now able to use five of their six classrooms!

Headmaster Mr Keita says…

“The teachers were also without tables and chairs but this repairs make them able to have a table and chair where they can comfortably sit and do there work”

If you would like to help Kass Wolof School with exercise books, pens and pencils please donate through PayPal – £1 will buy 10 exercise books, so it all helps!

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*Update* New kitchen needed in Palang after 2020 floods…


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