First Aid Kits

Empty Boxes

For UK schools, first aid kits are standard practice. They’re vital to ensure the health and safety of both staff and students. On top of that, they allow the basics of first aid to be taught, with all the right equipment ready to go.

On our last visit to The Gambia, we were contacted by seven schools, whose first aid kits had been empty for some time. Sourcing these kits is next to impossible in these remote areas, leaving both teachers and pupils vulnerable to a wide range of injuries and potential infections.

Burn injuries are more frequent in The Gambia due to cooking being done primarily on open fires.

Seven First Aid Kits

With a generous collection from multiple donors we have sourced first aid kits for each of those seven schools. Every single one will make a huge difference to both the staff and the pupils, as they now have access to essential first aid medical supplies and can implement the fundaments of first aid training.

Injuries and accidents no longer need to become agonising or life-threatening conditions, in these schools.
In July 2020, the kits will be shipped out and they’ll be ready for the schools to use by the next academic term in September.

Due to the high frequency of burn injuries we have also topped up these kits with extra burn gel dressings.

£30 For One

Each kit costs £30, and 50 burn gel dressings costs £10. If you would like to help provide more, please donate through our PayPal link, below.

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