School Supplies


Getting school supplies up to the remote villages in The Gambia takes a huge effort, and we have an amazing volunteer who takes boxes of equipment up to schools. From pens, pencils and note books, through to first aid kits and even desks and chairs!

First aid kits are vital for the schools and getting them refilled is very difficult. We are hoping to send up more kits soon.

Below gives you an idea of just how far your money can go…

10p buys an exercise book
15p buys a pencil
£30 buys a first aid kit

You can even send your own box of goodies with us if you like!

We have had massive donations from schools in the UK, and we package them up and send them off from Exeter! Shipping is around £20 for a medium sized box. Contact us on 01395 265 438 or email us to find out more about sending your own box.


Milling Machine